"We will show you the way to achieve a real & sustainable inclusive workplace"
"We will show you the way to achieve a real & sustainable inclusive workplace"

Disabilities, Accessibility and Inclusion
Disabilities, Accessibility and Inclusion
Despite all the advances and government intervention to make the world accessible to all, the efforts to all, the efforts have fallen short. For millions of persons with a disability as well as seniors, accessibility is an overwhelmingly frustrating issue.
As an example, in Canada the Province of Ontario has set an aggressive goal of full accessibility by the year 2025. If this goal becomes a reality, it would be the only jurisdiction in the world to achieve such lofty goal, backed up legislation.
The reality is, despite very positive government initiatives, both in Ontario and around the world, the dream of full accessibility for most is falling short.
For parents of a child with a disability one of many concerns is their child's school experience. Are they actually included? Will they have the same educational opportunities as their peers?
Under the Act, improvements to the building code do not include existing buildings unless they undergo renovations and must apply for a permit. This is a major barrier for seniors and individuals with a disability or mobility issues.
More must be done to employment standards. Persons with a disability too often are hired and placed in entry level jobs in order to portray the appearance of diversity and inclusion. However despite their ability, education or performance, they are unfairly denied advancement for many deceptive reasons. Unfortunately, many talented individuals with a disability do not even receive an interview.
What must happen before accessibility can become a reality? Is it even possible?
The short answer is - "Yes"!
Let me tell you how!